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Оплата Edram 1787
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Armchange.Ru 1174
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E-obmen.net 982
WM-RB 961
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You can get WMR-bonus 0,01-0,10 WMR on the purse 1 time per day

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06. Май, 2024 - Понедельник
Updating of rates: 1:00
Exchange offices: 22


Open the confidence limits Webmoney ANY CERTIFICATE !!! ANY BL !!! Read... Details »»

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Partnership Conditions:

1. If the administration SUSPECTS you of any scamming tactics, you will be banned from the programme without payout or any explanations.

2. You can attract users ONLY with the use of links from your website or from forums, message boards and blogs that you’ve posted our information in. The sites’ themes must be related to e-currency.

3. If you don’t use our banner, you must provide a clear explanation of our service instead.

4. Breaking this policy will result in being banned from the programme.

5. At this time, every UNIQUE client attracted is rewarded with $0.03. This amount may change, though the profits made and stored will remain the same based on their respective past reward amounts.

6. Referrer clicks are counted once the user reaches the exchange list from the main page link. Referrals with an empty “referer” field will not be counted.

7. A referral is only considered unique if the client has never been referred before by any other partner.

8. The minimum payout at the moment is $3.00.

9. These conditions may change without notification but will be then be published on this page.

Attention, scammers! This programme is not for “clickers” or “surfers”. We don’t pay for traffic from “CAP” or “surfers” of any type! You won’t receive any payout if your referrals is found to have originated from somewhere other than your site or a forum you have posted on. Don’t waste your time!


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